Stella McCartney has finally hit the spot with Sunshine by actually designing something that fits her body. The shorter dress accentuates her legs, and the simpler lines complement her figure. And they actually depart from monochrome.
Grade: A
Shrieka's dresses continue to accent her skinny figure. I don't think the collars work. But kudos for Nike for the colors: retro with anthracite and rattan.
Grade: A-
The night dress is a variation of the day dress but ink with black and solar flare. This color combination doesn't provide enough contrast to be as interesting as the day dress. Can't you tell that underneath all that fierceness is a real goofball?
Grade: B+
Since ReeRee is injured, Vika gets to wear the dress that ReeRee would have worn. Nike seems not to care whether or not Vika wears the "night" dress during the day. Since she fainted in the middle of her second round match and had to be taken off in a wheel chair, one wonders whether she should have worn the day dress. The poor thing must be disappointed after having a great summer.
Grade: A-
It's a pity that we won't get to see the day dress on someone live.
Grade: A-
Good Nails was around for one set, crushing returns; and then Bad Nails showed up to spray balls in the last two sets of her first rounder. We won't get to see her functional kit long enough.
Grade: B
Adidas has taken a step up by allowing Ms. Fistpumps to use 4 colors: white, black, purple and pink.
Grade: B
Adidas steps out on a limb and puts Courage in purple. It actually works better on the ladies than their attempt to do so with Nando earlier this year.
Grade: B
Anta must think Lady JaJa secretly wants to wear an Adidas kit. It's a pity that it's been so hot and humid that she can't look glamorous sweating up a storm.
Grade: B
Vee continues to blur the line between a nightie and a tennis dress with her shiny black lace dress. At least she isn't flashing flesh-colored knickers.
Grade: B+
Vee goes unconventional with her day kit: it looks perfect for going to the beach. Just for creativity
Grade: A-
Sam's LaCoste whites are professional as the Hammer should be.
Grade: B+
The purple version of the same kit works even better. See how hard it is to tweak a design.
Grade: A-
Is Mum Train's Fila kit camouflauge? The diagonal stripes against the blue work.
Grade: A-
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